Sitecore FAQ: How To Check? Top Questions & Answers

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Sitecore FAQ: How To Check? Top Questions & Answers
Sitecore: How to check? Top Questions & Answers

Here, you'll uncover answers to your 'How To Check' frequently asked questions related to the Sitecore platform, equipping you with the knowledge to make the most of this powerful content management system.

  • How to check Sitecore version?
  • How to check license in Sitecore?
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How to check Sitecore version?

Option 1:  Control Panel

After logging into Sitecore, click on the Control Panel application button, then License Details under the Administration section. A window will open with the Sitecore version and other information.

Option 2:  Desktop

After logging into Sitecore, click on the Desktop application and then Sitecore Start button. Go to All Applications -> System -> License Details. A window will open with the Sitecore version and other information.

Option 3:  Sitecore.version.xml File

If you can access the file system, you can check the version from the sitecore.version.xml file in the website's \sitecore\shell directory. Open the XML file and check the version tag.

Option 4:  Assembly Details

Another approach is to look at the assembly details of a Sitecore DLL (for example, Sitecore.Kernel.dll). You can find the Sitecore DLLs in the bin directory of your Sitecore installation. If you right-click on the DLL and go to Properties -> Details, you will see a Product Version in the details tab. That's the version of Sitecore the DLL was built for.

How to check license in Sitecore?

The Sitecore license can be checked using the following methods:

Option 1: Control Panel

After logging into Sitecore, click on the Control Panel application. Next, click License Details to check basic license information. To view the products included in your Sitecore license, click on the Installed Licenses option.

Option 2: Desktop

After logging into Sitecore, click on the Desktop application and then the Sitecore Start button. Next, go to All Applications, System, and choose License Details. To view the products included in your Sitecore license, click on the Installed Licenses link.

Option 3: License.xml File

If you have access to your Sitecore website files, you can find the license.xml file. This file is typically located in the Data folder of your Sitecore root directory. Open the license.xml file in a text editor. Here in the XML, you can find the details of your Sitecore license.