Sitecore SEO Checklist: Optimize & Rank Higher in 2023

Ready to take steps to optimize your Sitecore CMS website for search engines? This complete Sitecore SEO Checklist for 2023 has all you need! Don't wait - start optimizing today, get ready to rank higher, and increase organic traffic.

Sitecore SEO Checklist: Optimize & Rank Higher in 2023
Sitecore SEO Checklist: Optimize & Rank Higher

By utilizing the complete Sitecore SEO Checklist and implementing Sitecore SEO best practices, you can optimize your Sitecore website for higher search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic in 2023.

This Sitecore SEO Checklist is all you need for SEO optimization, including SEO Basics, Technical SEO, and Sitecore On-Page SEO.

This comprehensive SEO Checklist ensures that your website stays up-to-date with the latest SEO trends for 2023.

Start optimizing today and take your website to the next level!

SEO Basics

1. Set up Google Search Console

Create a free Google Search Console account, add your website, and follow the instructions to verify ownership.

2. Set up Bing Webmaster Tools

To get started, create a free Bing Webmaster Tools  account, add your website, and follow the instructions to verify ownership

3. Set up Google Analytics

Create an account with Google Analytics and get valuable data into your website's traffic and user behavior.

4. Create a Robots.txt File

Use a text editor or enable settings in Sitecore CMS to create a robots.txt file. Ensure the file provides the proper instructions on indexing to search engine crawlers.

5. Create and Submit a Sitemap

Use a tool or configure in the CMS platform, or create a sitemap.xml file manually. Then, submit the file to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Technical SEO

6. Make sure search engines can access your website

Detect and address any crawling/indexing issues with Google Search Console. Improve your website's overall crawlability and indexing for better search engine visibility.

7. Use a single domain address for website accessibility

Ensure visitors can only access your website on a single, optimized URL. Preventing access to website pages on multiple URLs can help avoid crawling, indexing, and security issues.

8. Use HTTPS for your website

Ensure that your Sitecore website is secure and uses HTTPS. You can verify its security status using various online tools and resources. Using HTTPS is mandatory.

Take action on website broken links and either redirect the link to the appropriate web page or remove any irrelevant or dead links from the site.

10. Implement Canonicalization

Add a canonical tag in the page header that refers to the preferred URL for the content. By implementing canonicalization, website owners can enhance their website's search visibility and avoid penalties for duplicate content.

<link rel="canonical" href="”/>

11. Improve Website Performance

Track, Monitor, and optimize your Sitecore website performance. Use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights to analyze and provide insights and recommendations for improving page speed and overall performance for desktop and mobile devices.

12. Optimize Sitecore for mobile-friendliness

Optimize your Sitecore website for mobile devices. Use helpful tools like Google's Mobile-Friendly Test or Google Search Console's Mobile Usability report.

On-Page SEO

13. Optimize Website URLs

Create an SEO-friendly URL structure by giving descriptive names to pages and minimizing the number of subfolders for better search engine crawlability.

14. Optimize Title and Meta Description

Optimize your Sitecore website's meta tags. Keep the meta title under 60 characters and the meta description under 155 characters. Incorporate target and relevant keywords, and make it descriptive and to the point.

15. Organize Content With Headings

Organize your website's page content with headings for better user experience and search engine optimization. Help search engines understand your content's structure and relevance to specific search queries.

16. Optimize Images for the Web

Use descriptive and relevant file names, alt tags, and captions that provide context and meaning to the picture. Use correctly compressed high-quality images for better page load times and a great user experience.

17. Improve your Website's Linking

Add and update internal and external links on the website. Link to the relevant content and use descriptive anchor text to help search engines understand your site's context and relevance and build authority.


Using this Sitecore SEO checklist, you can achieve a successful SEO strategy for your Sitecore website in 2023.

Following the steps outlined in this SEO checklist, you will optimize your website for higher search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

From setting up Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to optimizing your website's crawling and indexing and implementing on-page SEO techniques, this checklist covers all the essential aspects of SEO.

Learn more about Sitecore SEO and using Sitecore Personalization for SEO. Take action today to optimize your Sitecore CMS website for search engines.